I have just been blessed with an incredible Christmas. I am so lucky to have a family with such love. For years I have been preaching about cooperation and appreciation. This year I feel like we are finally making some progress. Laurel and Owen were so adorable to see with their bright smiles and genuine happiness. Owen was excited to tell people how this was a very exciting Christmas because it was his first time giving a gift. I really wish I had a photo of the joy in his eyes when he handed me his gift. But I did not want to ruin the moment saying- wait let me get the camera so I will just need to keep the vision fresh in my heads. He gave me this wonderful mug that says Mom Rocks.
Christmas Eve was another spectacular event a Grammy's house. We were so happy to have Nana join us for the first time. We began with our usual feast of lasagna, meatballs, scallops, salmon, salad and garlic bread. Then we watched the children preform the nativity. Next Elf, Dominique the Donkey, Cindy Lou, Grinch, Santa and the Whoville mayor and Mrs. Claus delivered Christmas cheer to the children. Thanks to Grammy’s generosity, everyone is decked out in beautiful LLBean items. We finished the evening singing happy birthday to Jesus and enjoying cupcakes and handmade Christmas cookies.
Christmas morning was filled with happiness. Laurel and Owen were both excited to get an itouch. Laurel was also thrilled to receive a ukulele. Owen was so happy to get a chin up bar to help him with his cub scout goals. Of course.... legos continue to be a classic part of Christmas morning. After enjoying a Christmas casserole and chilling out with our new items, we went for a late morning hike with Tina, Emma and Craig. Then we rested up and showered we headed over to see Justin's family. It was a nice visit with Grandma Stella, Grandpa Murray and Grandpa David. They kept the Hess Truck tradition alive with the 2011 edition. Laurel was thrilled to get some games and a nail station. Then we headed over to Nana's house to hang with Lindsay and Nana. We have grown to love this calm tradition of catching up. As always everyone was way too generous and Laurel and Owen left with ear to ear grins. Then we were home by 7pm with plenty of time to each enjoy one the best gifts of all- a little time for each other.