Thursday, November 8, 2012

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks
It has been awhile since updating this blog. Way back in August I was hoping that by Thanksgiving things would be settling down a little. It looks like that is happening. Here is a little run down of what is happening here:
Laurel is doing a good job with school. The weather is cooperating well and now that we fixed her flat tire she is back to biking to school. I am really happy with her school and the balance that she has- learning a lot of school but also growing as a person and having time for family outings and cooking. She really enjoys chopping and experimenting. Lately her specialty is a killer tuna sandwich.
Owen is still going strong with scouting. This weekend he is making a rocket for the space derby. Last weekend he helped collect food for the local pantry. He is also in a jump roping group at school. Soon basketball will be starting up.
Justin likes his new job. For the first time he has his own office and Boulder is a nice place to work.
We have an offer on our house in NJ and hope to close before the holidays. That will be a wonderful gift. Then we can start looking for a place to call home here. As much as I was surprised by the hot weather in the summer, I am equally pleased with the warm autumn. It has been a wonderful month- lots of sunshine, warmth and time to be outside. Last weekend was the first weekend we got to enjoy Colorado as a family. On Friday Owen and Justin and I went PlanetBlueGrass in Lyons to see a bluegrass band. Then on Saturday Justin and I went hiking up to Button Rock for a really nice hike. On Sunday we all took a family bike ride which got cut slightly short because of a flat tire. There are these things called goatheads out here and they really do a number on our east coast tubes. I have since ordered new tubes for our bikes that are much thicker and resistant to these thorns.
Well- now that I have been mostly positive I can mention a little bit about the reality of moving. There is still a lot of drama in the Robbins house. I am not sure how much is pre-teen hormones and how much is from the move but there are certainly days that I think I am in over my head in the world of parenting. Some days I think it is impossible to be a working mom and other days I think it would be impossible to be a stay at home mom. So the bottom line is- it just feels impossible. But then there are those wonderful moments of playing catch with Owen or snuggling up with Laurel or taking a great walk with Justin and it all feels right. And those are the moments I try to focus on.

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