Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Worse My Vision Gets, The More Clearly I See Things

So I thought Laurel and Owen were getting braces this year and I maxed out donations to flexible spending.....only to realize their teeth were not ready yet and it would be another year. So thanks to the wacky way this health care program works if you do not use it you lose it. So even though I was not desperate I went to the eye doctor to get some glasses and I used the balance on a lifetime supply of first aid kits, ace bandages and sunscreen.....I think I know what will be stocking stuffers this year:)
Aside from learning too much about the annoyance of healthcare spending plans, I learned that while a doctor may say my vision is worsening, I am seeing life clearer and clearer. I just love being in my forties! Even though my eyes make things a little fuzzy, my thinking and mind is so much clearer. If someone asks me to do something that really doesn't sound fun, I say no thanks. That is it. And when I look in the mirror (thanks to my less than perfect vision) I do not see my imperfections as clearly as my thirteen year old daughter is able to notice details of beginning skin tabs or sun spots. In short I am able to worry less and live more and that only makes this whole decade that much better.

1 comment:

Karen Lakis said...

So true - well said, Helen! :-)