Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One month anniversary

On Wednesday it was our one month anniversary of living in Colorado. This month has been one of the hardest months of my life. I have new found respect for single parents and I hope we will return to a nuclear family soon. I am amazed at how much my children have grown in this past month. Laurel now bikes 2.5 miles each way to school most days. Owen has had it very hard. I think fifth grade is a tough time to switch schools, especially since he had so many friends in Denville. But I also know in time he will make more friends here while still staying in touch with his NJ friends and eventually his world will become bigger with new experiences here. Justin has been visiting this week. It is so good to have him here.
There have been a lot of surprises and stressors but even with all of that, it still feels really good to be living here. I enjoy getting to know the students at my high school. With every week LHS feel more like a community and less like a job. I am so excited to explore the beauty and seasons of Colorado.
Note: I never did finish this and now too much time has passed so I am just going to post and move on.

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